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About Me

Hello, my name is Angeline. I am a warm and friendly person with a calm, caring, and reassuring presence that I bring to my clients and to my counselling practice. 


I believe that each and every one of us holds within ourselves the resources for our own healing and growth. I appreciate that doesn't always feel the case, especially in times of distress, and so I strive to offer you a space where you feel truly heard, understood and accepted so that the healing can occur and your true self can emerge.

I work in a way tailored to you, trusting that you know what you need to talk about or do to access what hurts, how best to heal, and grow into your full potential. This can be achieved in a variety of ways including:

  • Talking through what's going on for you

  • Writing and Journalling

  • Dream Exploration

  • Spiritual Practices

  • Nature Therapy

  • Sand Play

  • Art

A circular image of Angeline Winter

The essence of all that you are, and all that you can be, is at the heart of my practice.

  • Diploma of Higher Education in Person-Centred Counselling, Middlesex University

  • Certificate in Counselling Skills, Southampton City College

  • Introduction to Counselling, Southampton City College

  • Certificate in Dreams in Person-Centred Therapy

  • Certificate in Safeguarding & Child Protection

  • Certificate in Information Security

  • Enhanced DBS Certificate

"I rejoice at the privilege of being a midwife to a new personality - as I stand by in awe at the emergence of a self,
a person, as I see a birth process in which I have had an important and facilitating part" ~ Carl Rogers
Logo for Angeline Winter Counselling showing birds being released from barbed wire

07587 677912

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