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  • Writer's pictureAngeline Winter

The Places We Find Ourselves

I recently watched a film called Puzzle. It’s about a woman who has spent her life caring for the needs of others in her life. First, her widowed father, followed by her husband and two sons. The film begins with her preparing food for a party, playing the hostess and serving everyone in her home. As the scene develops, Agnes, the protagonist, takes a cake out of the fridge, adorns it with candles, lights them, carries it into the room as everyone sings Happy Birthday and then the candles are blown out. By her.

It was a profound moment and set the scene for just how dutiful to everyone Agnes is and how she, as a person within her own right, barely exists. After her guests have left, Agnes opens her gifts, one of which is a jigsaw puzzle, and so begins the journey of Agnes finding herself within the pieces of the puzzle. It really made me think about the places we find ourselves.

Whether it's in our careers, relationships or hobbies, by becoming a parent, or even just the music we listen to or the films we watch, we have the opportunities to find ourselves.

In the place where time doesn’t exist, is where we can find our place in the world and discover more about who we are. And it’s within this, that we then grow into the next version of ourselves.

It's with this in mind, that I hold the space in our counselling sessions for you to explore your world creatively. Maybe you have a hobby that you'd like to incorporate into your counselling. Is there something you're so passionate about that you lose all sense of time but find yourself time and time again? Perhaps that passion is something you could utilise in our work together?

Whether the place you find yourself is jigsaw puzzles, music, film, books, photography, art, spirituality, or with animals, or, even with gardening or woodwork, why not get in touch and see if we can work creatively together, incorporating your puzzle piece?

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