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  • Writer's pictureAngeline Winter

What Is Person-Centred Counselling?

Updated: Aug 18

Person-centred counselling is a modality of therapy that deems the client to be the expert on themselves. Unlike other forms of counselling where the therapist holds the expertise in the form of techniques for you to use, or suggestions about what areas of your life you need to talk about, person-centred counsellors consider you, the client, to be the expert of yourself. We believe, even if it might not feel like it, that you know what you need to talk about, and what you need to do to bring about any changes you desire, or, to enhance your personal growth. With that in mind, you decide the direction to take yourself during your counselling.

Person-centred counselling is an exploration of the atlas of you with you leading the way, and the counsellor walking alongside you as you take a look around your world.

In our sessions together, you will always be given the autonomy to choose the direction in which you wish to go. Maybe you'll want to discuss current events in your life and any thoughts you're having about them. You might want to tiptoe down the path that leads back to a time from your past and gently explore any feelings from that time. Perhaps you'll want to look at what might lie ahead. Whatever direction you decide to go, I will be there with you as you make your way around. We'll stay in each place as long as feels right for you; it's entirely your choice whether to continue to walk that path or to go in an entirely different direction. Either way, your choices will be honoured and respected.

As I journey with you, you'll be encompassed with empathy, warmth and care as I listen intently to all that you bring of your experience of life, and I'll endeavour to get a sense of what that's like for you so that you feel truly understood.

Having the autonomy to take the lead in our sessions, and then really being heard, understood, accepted and valued exactly as you are is what brings about long-lasting positive change and growth to your life.

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